May 2, 2012

Citrix Forums : XenApp 6 Server Hangs ...

Citrix Forums : XenApp 6 Server Hangs ...: "
Re: XenApp 6 Server Hangs
Posted: 01-Oct-2010 17:52   in response to: Tavis Patterson  
1 user found this post useful
Experiencing same.

However, when this happens the Citrix Delivery Services Console becomes unusable so I am unable to log off any users. I'm left with rebooting the server. Which is a whole other issue. I always have to do a Force Shutdown. Installed a hotfix that was meant to alleviate the issue but to no avail. Here's that Hotfix,

Hopefully somebody will figure out the issue in this thread. Citrix Tech Support hasn't been able to...


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Citrix Forums : XenApp 6 Server Hangs ...

Citrix Forums : XenApp 6 Server Hangs ...: "Re: XenApp 6 Server Hangs
Posted: 14-Oct-2010 19:07   in response to: ANGUS ARMSTRONG  
2 users found this post useful
I captured a memory dump of svchost.exe when this error occurred which pointed to rpm.dll as the cause (a Citrix DLL). Citrix came back to us with a private hotfix which was applied to our XenApp 6 servers two days ago and we have not yet seen the problem since. After a couple more days I will be convinced that we have seen the end of this problem. The fix contains updates to these files:
- MfSrvSs.dll v6.0.0.6412
- rpm.dll v1.0.0.6

The hotfix came in a zip file named "237503" - I don't know if this is an offical reference or not."

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Apr 27, 2012

Publishing Resources for Users

To configure servers to publish for multiple users

Updated: 2010-06-07
To ensure applications are enabled for multiple users, install the applications using one of the following methods:
  • Install applications as the Built-in Administrator
  • Select an “install for multiple users” option in the installation wizard for the application, if the Setup for the application provides this option
  • Install the application for all users from a command line
To install an application for all users, after enabling Remote Desktop Services, use these steps before installing the application:
  1. Open a command prompt so that you are running it with Administrator privileges; for example, right-click the command prompt and select Run as Administrator.
  2. Run the following command at a command prompt: change user /install
  3. From the command prompt, run the Setup executable for the application.

Apr 26, 2012

DiskAid the iPhone, iPad & iPod Transfer Tool for PC & Mac

DiskAid the iPhone, iPad & iPod Transfer Tool for PC & Mac

Change Citrix License Administration Console Password

1) Open the "server.xml" file in C:\Program Files\Citrix\Licensing\LS\conf. If on Win2k8 you will need to open your editor as an admin.
2) Find the entry that looks something like this:
"System" id="admin" lastName="Administrator" password="(ENC-01)UaFz17cJ2oNQ+LkskjkzUyVV5ZcmaoJCDCiuiusbB6zk2P0uR" passwordExpired="false" privileges="admin"/>;

3) Erase the contents between the double quotes after "password="
4) Enter a plaintext password so it looks like this: password="test"
5) Change the passwordExpired value to be "true"
6) Save the server.xml file.
7) Restart the licensing services. I also closed and re-opened the LAC but this may not be necessary.
8) Log into the LAC using user name "admin" and the password you set.
9) You will be prompted to change your password. Do it. By doing it, the new password will be encrypted in the server.xml file.
10) To check that everything is working as planned, re-open the server.xml to check that the password is now encrypted.

Mar 4, 2012

Tunnelier Download (Bitvise)

Tunnelier Download (Bitvise)

Forgot Linux Password CentOS

This may seem obvious to some but I very new to Linux, and I have a hard time reading guides, as most of whats on the internet are bits and pieces, there doesn't seem to be exact specifc steps to anythine you want to do, for the newcommers, so I've written this quick easy post for my reference, and for anyone else who so happens to stubble upon it. :)
Don't know what happened but somehow I forgot may password, and was stuffed, I didn't want to reinstall my CentOS, so with a bit of Google i found this, however I'm posting this to make it clear the actual specific steps you have to go through in order to change your password:

1. Reboot your Linux machine with the installation dvd/cd/etc. (you may have to hit F12 key to allow you to select the appropriate boot device e.g. CDROM.
2. At the command/boot prompt (boot::) type linux rescue and hit enter.
3. Then type: chroot /mnt/sysimage and hit enter.
4. Then type: passwd root or passwd username (obviously replace username with the user/login you want to change the password for, if the user does not exists it will say so after running hte command. don't forget to hit enter at the command.
5. Now type in the password you want and hit enter
6. Now type it in again, and hit enter
7. Now type exit and hit enter
8. Now type exit again and hit enter to reboot
all done.

Good Luck